BRETT NAUCKE "The Visitor" LP (Nihil 77)
Vinyl debut by Catholic Tapes label head Brett Naucke. Whatever you know about this guy, toss it out the window.
On The Visitor Naucke traipses through an electronic bog filled with subtle seductive melodies and eerie organic abstractions, creating an impressive album that is both strange and beautiful.
Vinyl debut by Catholic Tapes label head Brett Naucke. Whatever you know about this guy, toss it out the window.
On The Visitor Naucke traipses through an electronic bog filled with subtle seductive melodies and eerie organic abstractions, creating an impressive album that is both strange and beautiful.
Vinyl debut by Catholic Tapes label head Brett Naucke. Whatever you know about this guy, toss it out the window.
On The Visitor Naucke traipses through an electronic bog filled with subtle seductive melodies and eerie organic abstractions, creating an impressive album that is both strange and beautiful.